
“Anthropologist's Money Bay—Social life of money”Special exhibition

“Anthropologist's Money Bay—Social life of money”Special exhibition 「人類學家的錢包─貨幣的社會生活」特展 Department of Public and Culture Affairs- Third grade 10518132 Li-JiaYu (公共與文化事務學系 三年級 10518132 李嘉瑜〉     Participated in the exhibition of the Center of Austronesian Culture, this time —“Anthropologist's wallet— the Social life of money”. I saw the name of the exhibition very special and very novel at first.I am looking forward to seeing. I am very interested in the signboard at the entrance to the door. In a game-like way, let people first think about what can be exchanged as currency before they have seen the exhibition to do a preliminary test.

Anthropologists’ money bag

Anthropologists’ money bag By Kuan Yu Chou,    Department of Cultural Resources and Leisure Industry    Money has always played an important role in our daily life. Have you ever wondered where were our money came? When I first came across the name of the exhibition - anthropologists’ money bag, I was very curious about it. In the beginning, I was wondering what the currency was and surprisingly found out that things I can’t even imagine were accepted as currency. From cigarettes and alcohol、 to instant noodles, which are mostly used as currency in jail. In prisoners are not allowed to exchange things for money. Another interesting thing is that Salt is also a form of money which can be paid as solders’ salary. Farmers can exchange crops for a haircut.

Indonesia Kalimantan Long House Culture Seminar: Contemporary South Island Group Long House and Life

Indonesia Kalimantan Long House Culture Seminar: Contemporary South Island Group Long House and Life (印尼加里曼丹長屋文化研討會:當代的南島族群長屋與生活) Department of Public and Culture Affairs- Third grade 10518132 Li-JiaYu/Paiwan name-Sauljaljuy ljaljali (公共與文化事務學系 三年級 10518132 李嘉瑜/排灣族名字 Sauljaljuy ljaljali)    This place in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Actually, there is a nation that is Dayak, especially in the seven ethnic groups. Because they live in special buildings - longhouses, members are very close. The long house is different from our usual house. There is a big family living inside. Then live together and carry out religious ceremonies and celebrations inside. So established a close relationship between people.

Alangyi Ancient Trail introduction

Alangyi Ancient Trail introduction By Kuan Yu Chou, Department of Cultural Resources and Leisure Studies Alangyi Ancient Trail is located at the southern border of Daren Township in Taitung County and Suehigh, Mudan Township in Pingtung County. This trail is also part of the Lang Qiao Puyuma trail and has witnessed  the migration of thousands of Taiwan native peoples .


南島小編C的新書─ 東西馬文化生態盛宴自助行         南島文化中心的小編們各個有專長,其中位小編C的第一本出版品 《東西馬文化生態盛宴自 助行》 終於要在今年6月初上市了,和各位關注南島文化中心的朋友們做分享。南島小編C很喜歡在馬來西 亞自助旅行的感覺,自從研究所畢業開始工作後,每當好不容易累積半個月以上的長假,就開 始獨自一個人背起登山大背包出發,到現在仍是認為馬來西亞還有許多有趣的地方值得探索。          由於小編C也只是位喜歡自助旅行的小編,自助旅行期間其實也沒有很多銀兩當旅費,也沒 有任何的機構或廠商當贊助,為了節省龐大的交通等開銷,其實做了非常多的功課。新書的內 容中,也將和大家分享在地的大眾運輸交通工具方式,無大眾運輸工具可抵達之處如何解決交 通問題等經驗。        馬來西亞的雨林生態及多元族群文化隊於小編C而言太精彩了,且小編C從大學至研究所時 期都是登山社的社員,研究所時期以探索臺灣的南島族群文化為主,每次到和臺灣南島族群相 似的馬來西亞南島族群部落總是非常開心,因此撰寫這本書時的視角以東西馬的文化生態旅遊 為主軸。若大家對於這本書有興趣,可以參閱以下的購書資訊訂購,也歡迎分享給喜愛馬來西 亞文化生態旅行的朋友們喔! 購書資訊 華成圖書出版股份有限公司 購書地址: 台北門市/台北市11493內湖區洲子街72號5樓(愛丁堡科技中心) 台中門市/台中市40862文心路一段378號4樓之2 高雄門市/高雄市80055六合一路94-3號11樓 親臨門市洽購華成出版品一律8折優惠 郵政劃撥一律85折優惠價(訂購不足500元加付郵資50元) 訂購電話/(02)2797-5050 #301~307 傳真/(02)8797-2007 戶名/華成圖書出版股份有限公司 郵政劃撥/19590886 E-mail/huacheng@email.farseeing.com.t...


        去年臺東大學南島文化中心及公事系南島文化碩士班師生,參訪馬來西亞砂勞越州(位於:東馬)的比達友族長屋後,其中兩位同學剪輯兩部不同觀點的紀錄短片。雖然技術及表達方式仍不是很純熟,還需要多點不同的機會磨練,但相信只要有開始,就有機會可持續成長。           紀錄片一: 雨林印象          導演: 楊詠程/國立臺東大學南島文化碩士班碩士生 影片網址【留言】連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLhw3cHxy4M                   紀錄片二: Annah Rais 的貓朋友             導演: 陳盈儒/國立臺東大學南島文化碩士班碩士生                   影片網址【留言】連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jusKk6ufUsM&feature=youtu.be         感謝兩位同學參與校內分享及誠品臺東故事館分享座談後,願意將兩部紀錄片公開在Youtube和大家做分享, 若有想回饋給導演的,可以點擊影片的連結,直接在導演們的影片連結下方給予回饋或建議喔!    


月橘的花開了         四月底,南島文化中心外的月橘逐漸地開花、結果,並且開始吸引烏頭翁、黑冠麻鷺前來 覓食。月橘也就是大家所謂的「七里香」,主要分布於東南亞地區至澳洲一帶,充滿香氣的白 色花朵曬乾後可以泡茶,或者是用來蒸餾為精油或者是製作成保養霜。         七里香的花期到來時常使周邊環境香氣四溢,臺東地區許多部落的族人過去喜歡在家屋外 栽種七里香當作圍籬。七里香的木質堅韌,臺東許多的原住民部落耆老過去常以七里香作為製 作枴杖、煙斗、刀柄、農具的原料。         位於臺東縣大武鄉大武村的加羅坂部落是個排灣族人聚居的小部落,「加羅板」這個地名 就是從排灣語的音譯Qaljaban翻譯而來,Qaljaban在排灣語的語意指的就是七里香,據在地耆老 而言加羅板部落過去是個生長許多野生七里香的部落。         現在開始邁入月橘(七里香)花開的季節,大家有機會可以觀察部落周邊的七里香是否開始 展現恬淡宜人的風采喔! 照片一、南島文化中心外的月橘(七里香)花朵逐漸開了! 照片二、月橘(七里香)的果實。(攝於南島文化中心外的灌木叢) 參考資料來源: 南島小編過去的田野紀錄。 李麗雲、林佳靜、陳文德、鄭漢文    民98 卑南族的家與植物。臺東市:國立臺灣史前文化博物館。 科技大觀園: https://scitechvista.nat.gov.tw/c/EMjI.htm (2018/05/02 查)